
Real Estate Values Increase with Solar Panels, Report Says

Real Estate Values are growing as keeping up with the Jones' just got greener according to Burkely report.

The report used a data set of 72,000 homes including 2,000 homes with solar. Research shows that hoses with solar in California sell for a consistent premium.

I expect to see similar results in the Ontario marketplace as data begins to accumulate. If you know a realtor who needs to learn more about solar please send them to the Toronto Real Estate Board where I teach a course on the Green Energy Act and building labeling.

The original report

Thanks to the Good folks at for putting me onto this report with this article entitled:

Listen Up Realtors, Solar Panels Increase Home Values.

So much for the not-in-my-backyard argument: California homes with solar panels installed on them sell for more than their panel-free counterparts,  according to a study by the University of California at Berkeley.

The study found that homes with solar panels sold for an extra $5.50 per watt of solar power installed, for an average of $17,000 more per house.

Read the whole article