
What is the Real Estate Value of Local Business and Community Investment?

In Michael's book The SmallMart Revolution and its successor Local Dollars, Local Sense talk about the value and power of local business. His message relates to Real Estate in two important ways: the quality of your life is related to the quality of amenities provided by local business in your community; the value of your real estate is related to the quality and qulaities of the local businesses. In urban neighbourhoods this conveys as local coffee culture, local food culture, and local beer culture. A home located close to a perfect coffee pour will be positively influenced, compare that to the value of a home located close to a money exchange/pawn shop. Shopping locally helps home owners build value. Its like investing in the quality of your neighbourhood.

Michael H. Shuman is Director for Research and Economic Development for the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). Shuman is an economist, att...